
PalenaPalena is a town of 1,504 inhabitants in the province of Chieti which rises on the southern slopes of the Maiella, bordered to the west by the mountains Porrara and Coccia, dominating the upper valley Aventino. Its territory, extended 91.74 square kilometers, is mostly mountainous.


Location for the event

Teatro Comunale “Ettore Maria Margadonna”
Dating back to the eighteenth century, it is situated in Corso Umberto I, in the historic center.
So it’s said in the book "Palena nel corso dei secoli" by the historian Mario Como:

"... At the halfway mark of this modern" decumanus maio "(referring to the Corso Umberto I °) the theater was built around the year 1750: a small jewel of art, pride of Palena’s inhabitants , which is admired for its architectural structure . The ancient wealthy nobility of Palena attributed the design to the famous architect Vanvitelli!

It's well known that in the Province, the first existing theaters were the Marrucino of Chieti, the Fenaroli of Lanciano and the small theater of Palena, with a normal capacity of about 300 people. Prosperous bourgeoisie families and the merry youth of the town came here in addition to "elite" ancient "noblesse" from Palena, which, combined with that of the fields, cheerful thronged the gallery, to attend to the enjoyment of the shows offered mostly by lively Neapolitan companies, who, with performances of Neapolitan "chanteuse" sent the audience into raptures.

In addition to the "Variety" you were given comedies, melodramas, various performances and elegant concerts of the renowned orchestra palenese.

In the year 1921 after a few years from the victorious ending of the First World War, the "Teatro Aventino" of Palena was honored by the Edoardo Scarpetta’s famous company, whose unsurpassed comedy is still alive in the memory of Palena’s eldest inhabitants.”

Today the theater is a unique reality in our area since it is one of the smallest Italian theaters (the second in order) and certainly the smallest of Abruzzo with only 96 seats divided into two rows of boxes and a gallery.
Since its construction, it has been representing a point of reference for local cultural activities.
Since then, many theatrical, orchestral, national or strictly local companies, have trod his scenes.
All this until wars and earthquakes came upon.
Closed after the earthquake of 1984, was returned to the community in 1998 in memory of a local native, Ettore Margadonna, whose marble bust is exhibited a at the entrance.
Since 2005, the art direction is by the theatrical company "EMME.BI" from Palena, with the intent to expand the cultural offer in the area.


Open Air Theatre in Piazza San Francesco

The ancient village "S. Francesco", located in the center of the town of Palena and in the vicinity of the Teatro Comunale, because of its particular location centered around the complex of the church of the same name, of inestimable artistic value (above the portal there is the following inscription: AGGRETATUM BASILICAE SACROSANTAE LATERAN) has an area that includes, for the particular physical places, a natural open-air theater which includes a stage, a local meant for services for artists and an audience made up of the square in front of the Church of St. Francis. The structure can accomodate more than 500 guests and has recently been made by the architect and painter Antonio palenese Como.

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