Palena Film Award

The project

Welcome to the official website of the Palena Cinema Award, created by the Palenese Cultural Association in 2006.
With the establishment of the Palena Cinema Award we aim to valorise, promote and spread the short film as a form of art particularly valuable and current to develop artistic and anthropological themes rooted in the territory, with particular reference to the most illustrious personages who have honored Palena in the world of culture and entertainment: Ettore Maria Margadonna and Perry Como.
The initiative is aimed at forms of film designed to create film sets in different corners of the most characteristic of the territory.
The place has to become a film studio (indoors or outdoors) where short films will be shot or short films with people, situations, stories, exploiting the most characteristic and hidden corners in the area.
The short film will have to meet the needs of the cultural growth and creative potential of young and old, regardless of age limits.
It 's required within production, the inclusion of a soundtrack, in order to honor the figure of Perry Como.





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